Doing Business at MYR

Airport ID Badge Application

The Horry County Department of Airports (HCDA) Communications Center/Badging Office is responsible for the issuance of badges to employees, assigning and maintaining access to security-sensitive areas of the Airport, and issuing vehicle permits.

The Communications Center/Badging Office verifies that badge applicants have undergone and cleared the required security background checks and ensures that badge holders understand the security rules and procedures related to the possession and use of an Airport Badge.

Air carriers and tenants who hold a lease/contract with the Airport are considered participants with the HCDA and do not require sponsorship for badge issuance. Participants who contract with other companies to perform a service, which requires unescorted access to a security-sensitive area may be permitted under the authority/sponsorship of an Airline or Tenant, or Government Agency and must obtain an Airport Photo ID Badge.

Companies that do not have a direct contractual relationship with the Airport, but still require access to the Airport must be sponsored by an Airline, Tenant, or Participant of the HCDA; thus have an identification badge. Government agencies that have jurisdiction at the Airport are not required to have a sponsor. (All Airport Badging / Access Control policies and procedures are under continuous review, and subject to revision; continue to visit this site for updated policies and procedures.)


Badging Process

Applications are available for download and must be received by the Communications Center/Badging Office 24-hours prior to processing, signatures must be original.

To access the Communications Center/Badging Office, proceed to the Airport's Administrative offices on Tuesday or Thursday between 8 a.m. and 3:45 p.m.

For large groups (5 or more people from the same entity), call (843) 839-7372 or e-mail [email protected] to schedule a time. The Communications Center/Badging Office is closed on Horry County observed holidays. Visit horrycounty.org for the listing of observed holidays.

Airport ID Badge

Apply for a terminal access ID badge.

General Aviation / AOA

Apply for a Air Operations Area or general aviation badge.


Pre-Badge Training

Individuals whose employment conditions require unescorted access to the SIDA, Sterile or AOA must attend a training class before a badge will be issued. All training occurs at the ARFF Training Center, located in the ARFF building adjacent to the airport terminal.

SIDA & Sterile Area Training

Classes take place Thursdays at 2:00 p.m. and Saturdays at 10:00 a.m..

AOA Training

Classes take place Wednesdays, immediately following SIDA & Sterile Area Training.

* For large groups (5 or more people from the same entity), call (843) 839-7372 to schedule a time


Badging Fees

Individuals whose employment conditions require unescorted access to the SIDA, Sterile or AOA must attend a training class before a badge will be issued. All training occurs at the ARFF Training Center, located in the ARFF building adjacent to the airport terminal.

SIDA/Sterile Badges

MYR Airport Badge

$60 per badge
Badge issuance fee for 1st time applicant; applicable to all except applicants whose company/airline/agency/contractor provides CHRC: $30.00 per badge

Badge Renewal

$60 per badge
Badge issuance fee for 1st time applicant; applicable to all except applicants whose company/airline/agency/contractor provides CHRC: $30.00 per badge

SIDA/Sterile Badge Renewal Late fee

$25 per badge
Failure to renew your ID badge prior its expiration will result in the assessment of a $25.00 late fee (in addition to the normal Badge Renewal fee) and the requirement to undergo recurrent security training. Payment of the fee and completion of the training must be fulfilled prior to re-issuance of the badge.

SIDA/Sterile Badge Reprinting Fee

$25 per badge
Fee will be charged for new photo requests, upgrades and damaged badges as deemed intentional by HCDA

SIDA/Sterile Lost or Stolen Badge Fee


Each employee and employer is responsible for reporting lost/stolen badges to the Communications Center/Badging Office immediately, (843) 839-7372. Replacement of the badge will be permitted only after the employee, or the employer, reports the loss to the Communications Center/Badging Office and pays the replacement fee. Unless otherwise specified, the lost/stolen badge fees are:

  • 1st Replacement - $50.00
  • 2nd Replacement - $100.00 (issuance is at the discretion of HCDA)
  • 3rd Replacement - $200.00 (issuance is at the discretion of HCDA)SIDA/AOA Lost and/or Stolen Badge

SIDA/Sterile Badges:  Failure to Notify or Return at End of Employment

$300 per badge
The Communications Center/Badging Office shall be notified immediately at (843) 839-7372 of changes in the status of employees; and, $300.00 fee will be assessed for any badge not returned within 14-days of the employee’s termination date (billed to company). The Communication Center/Badging Office occasionally audits HCDA's business partners to ensure the accuracy of their badge count and compliance with government regulations. Companies are required to maintain accurate, current lists of their employees holding HCDA badges. Failure to do so can result in penalties (49 USC 46301(a) (6) FAILURE TO COLLECT AIRPORT SECURITY BADGES - . ”any employer … who does not collect or make reasonable efforts to collect such badge from the employee on the date that the employment of the employee is terminated and does not notify Airport Operations of such termination with 24 hours of the date of such termination shall be liable to the Government for a civil penalty not to exceed $10,000.)".

AOA Badge Fees

AOA MYR General Aviation Badges

$25 per badge

AOA MYR Contractor Badges

$25 per badge

AOA MYR Airport Badge Reprinting Fee

$25 per badge
Fee will be charged for new photo requests, upgrades and damage badges deemed intentional by HCDA

AOA Badge Renewal/Replacement

$25 per badge
Fee renewal is required every 2-years, prior to expiration

AOA Lost/Stolen Badge Fee


Each individual/employee/company is responsible for reporting lost/stolen badges to the Communications Center/Badging Office immediately, (843) 839-7372. Replacement of the badge will be permitted only after the individual/employee/company reports the loss to the Communications Center/Badging Office and pays the replacement fee. Unless otherwise specified, the lost/stolen badge fees are:

  • 1st Replacement - $50.00
  • 2nd Replacement - $100.00 (issuance is at the discretion of HCDA)
  • 3rd Replacement - $200.00 (issuance is at the discretion of HCDA) SIDA/AOA Lost and/or Stolen Badge

Other Fees

MYR Identification Badge

$10 per badge
Public Areas Only

MYR Identification Badge Renewal/Replacement

$10 per badge
Fee will be charged for new picture requests, upgrades and damaged badges deemed intentional by HCDA

Parking for New Employees

Full Cost
The new employee, or employees employer, is responsible for parking fees. Horry County Department of Airports will not validate parking.

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